Week 4 was dedicated to stakeholder workshops.

These workshops allowed start-ups to present, playback and review their progress, ideas and thoughts with their stakeholders.

Stakeholders could then provide feedback, plugging in gaps, or validating assumptions that had been made earlier in the programme.

What was Reviewed?

Over the first 3 weeks of the programme, start-ups had been working towards solving various problem statements and challenge areas identified by TfWR, Keolis and Alt Labs.

Stakeholder workshops were structured allowing start-ups to enhance the work they had already started, with input from their stakeholders. They were also designed to help validated previously made assumptions.

Furthermore it was a chance to align both start-ups and their stakeholders on;

  • The problem area that will be tackled
  • The proposed solution
  • The MVP/POC that would be delivered at the end of the programme
  • Measurements of success

Throughout the workshop, start-ups had the chance to playback the following materials for stakeholders to review and provide feedback on;

  1. Adlib Value Proposition
  2. Persona Document Review
  3. Assumption Mapping Review
  4. Business Model Canvas Review
  5. Dylunio Cynigion Gwerth

Following this review, startups and stakeholders then concluded with a “playback” phase.

The Next Steps

After playback was completed and both start-ups and stakeholders were aligned on the project, start-ups then began developing their MVP development project plan.

This plan will be the roadmap for what start-ups will be working on during the MVP development phase of the programme, which launches in week 6.

It includes weekly deadlines, goals and a breakdown of the tasks that need to be covered and completed to ensure the MVP or POC is ready to deliver on demo day.

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