Astudiaethau Achos

Dysgwch fwy am y busnesau newydd rydyn ni wedi’u helpu i'w sbarduno drwy’r Labordy.


Ar ôl carfan gyntaf lwyddiannus iawn i roi cychwyn ar ein rhaglen Labordai arloesi ar ddechrau 2020, aethom i’r ail garfan yn llawn optimistiaeth a hyder y bydden ni’n dod o hyd i dîm arall o arloeswyr a fyddai’n darparu atebion busnes i’n helpu i wella profiad ein cwsmeriaid.

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Dechreuodd rhaglen sbarduno Labordy Trafnidiaeth Cymru drwy nodi rhestr o ddatganiadau herio yr oedd Trafnidiaeth Cymru am eu goresgyn er mwyn gwella profiad cwsmeriaid ar draws y sector rheilffyrdd. Yna, rhoddwyd y rhestr hon o ddatganiadau herio i fusnesau newydd a gofynnwyd iddynt roi ateb ymarferol.

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Spatial Cortex

Spatial Cortex Technology emerged as the winner of cohort 2 for their ground-breaking product, MOVA. This wearable technology is designed to address the challenges faced by railway staff when it comes to manual handling tasks, including lifting, carrying, and manipulating materials.

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RoboK specializes in developing efficient AI-based computer vision solutions aimed at improving safety in transportation. RoboK’s work with TFW (Transport for Wales) aimed to address level crossing safety challenges on their network. As winners of cohort 3, RoboK collaborated with TFW to conduct a proof-of-concept (POC) phase, consisting of two stages, which demonstrated the effectiveness of their solution.

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