Ein Blog

Y newyddion, y diweddariadau ac adnoddau defnyddiol gan Labordy Trafnidiaeth Cymru.

Have you heard about ‘Cinetig by TfW’?

Ydych chi wedi clywed am ‘Cinetig gan TrC’?

Mae’n flwyddyn newydd ac mae’r tîm arloesi yn Labordy Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn awyddus i fwrw ymlaen â syniadau newydd ac ysbrydoledig. Dyna pam ein bod wedi cyflwyno’r rhaglen ‘Cinetig’; cyfres o sesiynau rhyngweithiol sydd â’r nod o fanteisio ar wybodaeth a phrofiad o bob rhan o’n rhwydwaith.

Mwy o wybodaeth
Seven steps to solving any business problem

Seven steps to solving any business problem

When solving problems within your business, it can be challenging to understand where to start. We have a process that can help you to identify, define and resolve any problems within your department or sector  Through our Lightning Decision Jam (LDJ), we help you to...

Mwy o wybodaeth
What is a Lightning Decision Jam?

Beth yw Jam Penderfyniad Mellt?

A Lightning Decision Jam, or LDJ, is a way to identify, define and resolve virtually any business problem within a two-hour window.  By selecting the correct mix of people and following a series of precisely timed tasks using simple equipment, businesses can identify...

Mwy o wybodaeth
What is a Hackathon?

What is a Hackathon?

This autumn, Lab by Transport for Wales is set to host its first-ever, one-of-a-kind, hackathon; an event that brings experts together to help solve certain problems, within a set duration of time.

Mwy o wybodaeth
Innovation takes centre stage as TfW live demo returns

Innovation takes centre stage as TfW live demo returns

Personal data security provider, Cufflink, has been named the winner of Transport for Wales’ innovation accelerator programme, organised by Lab by Transport for Wales.   The 12-week programme, developed by Transport for Wales (TfW) and Alt Labs, sees start-ups from...

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Meet Cohort 4!

Meet Cohort 4!

On Thursday 17th March, we launched Cohort 4 of our Innovation Accelerator Programme!  We’re a little bit excited to say the least!  Cohort 1, 2 and 3 were a great success as we helped accelerate 5 start-ups through to the negotiation stages with Transport for Wales...

Mwy o wybodaeth
TfWL Cohort 4 Open!

TfWL Cohort 4 Open!

Mae gwaith recriwtio wedi dechrau ar gyfer y bedwaredd ran o raglen arloesi blaenllaw Cymru ar gyfer y rheilffyrdd. Rhaglen sbarduno arloesi dros gyfnod o 12 wythnos yw Lab Trafnidiaeth Cymru sy’n cynnig cyfle cyffrous i arloeswyr busnes ddatblygu syniadau i wella profiadau defnyddwyr rheilffyrdd...

Mwy o wybodaeth